
Ebenezer V

Professor Ebenezer did his B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Science and M.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation, also from I.I.Sc. He worked for 25 years in various industries and for 10 years in academics as a Professor. He worked for Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bangalore for 15 years, in the Semiconductors Division. He started his career in electronic equipment design. He was the head of Quality Assurance at the Integrated Circuits department at BEL for 5 years.

As a Professor he has headed Electronics & Instrumentation and Electronics & Communication engineering departments. He has taught various engineering subjects including Electronic devices, Linear Integrated circuits, Smart sensors, Aircraft instrumentation and Robotics. He has taught BE and M.Tech students.

He has guided several BE and M.Tech projects. He has interacted extensively with the students, guiding them. One BE project he guided was of interest to the media and it was telecast in 4 TV channels.

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